Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Two easily neglected constellations of animals

Constellation of rabbit: Lepus

Being one of the 48 ancient constellations listed by Ptelemy, the constellation of Lepus is situated under the feet of Orion.
Lepus is not an eye-catching constellations and most people would tend to forget it comparing with other major ones. Lepus is believed to be the prey that the two hounds (Canis Major and Canis Minor) are chasing for, but no obvious legends or tales about its origin can be found, its origin was a mystery.
Different cultures have different description to Lepus. It was a wild rabbit to ancient Greece, a ship for one of the major gods Osiris to ancient Egypt, and the waist belt of the Giant (meaning the constellation of Orion) to ancient Arabia.

Constellation of piegon: Columba

It is situated under Lepus, consisting of stars in zig-zag line. It was part of the Canis Major until 17th century, when it became independent and separated in Germany.
As a new constellation for less then four centuries, there was no specific legends or myths in the past. Generally, some people linked it to the description about pigeon on Noah's Ark in Old testament bible:
Long, long time ago, when the God could not bear the ridiculous, bad man infested world, the God decided to destroy everything with huge flood, exceptfor Noah, the only good man left and chosen pairs of animals. Noah and the animals survived through the continuous storms and floods inside the Ark prepared. After the storm stopped, most of the world is already under water, Noah didn't know where the land was, and he let the pigeon fly and seek for the land. When the pigeon returned with a sprig of olive, meaning that the land was there.
Columbia is now said to be the "dove symbol of peace".

1 comment:

  1. Use a star map to point out some of the constellations. If possible, go out in the dark and find some constellations. luxury sober living new york
